Remembering Kaye

We love and miss our dear mother and grandmother and your support is very much appreciated.
Given the circumstances, in lieu of flowers and gifts please consider making a donation to support her family. Thank you!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Fear Not - from Kaye

"What motivates you? I would rather be motivated by hope than fear. Hope in my future. Hope in better days to come. Hope in a better self. And better days in the life of others. But fear comes from not planning or not making goals or not changing what needs to be changed. We all have something that is holding us back. If we are trying to be better every day then we have hope. If we are not trying to change than we are procrastinating the great fear that tomorrow is no different than today." - Kaye 

- We found a small handwritten note in the back of mom's dresser drawer. The only handwritten note. Not addressed to any one person. Dad felt it needed to be shared and remembered as it brought tears to our eyes ...he said this message took Mom great personal effort to live and share. - Rebecca

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